Creative roundup: 4 best practices for short video on Twitter

Diving into video is a smart strategy. Videos embrace visual storytelling and diversify your content. According to internal Twitter data, 93% of today’s video views happen on mobile devices. As a result, shorter videos are effective — with the ideal length being 15 seconds or less.

Don’t know where or how to start?  Learn insights and tips from these four brands on how to maximize your video’s impact.

Feature strong visuals

When you have 15 seconds or less to capture your audience’s attention, your visuals have to be striking. Bright colors, show-shopping images, and interesting motion all draw the eye and capture the viewers’ attention. 

@NFL shared a @Tide ad that features two football players flying through the air. Whether you’re a fan of the sport or simply curious, this video is an effective example of ultra-short visual storytelling.

Keep Tweet copy short and focused

The perfect complement to a short video is a concise Tweet. Videos with minimal Tweet copy versus longer Tweet copy have 13% higher brand and message recall and overall view time, according to internal Twitter data. 

Beauty brand @glossier pairs a witty, brief Tweet with a 15-second video to showcase a brand rep’s take on their Bubblewrap product.

Showcase your brand or product in the first 3 seconds

First impressions matter. Make it easy for viewers to connect videos to your brand to strengthen brand awareness. Show your logo or product within the first three seconds of your video. Viewers who see a product they love are more likely to remember the brand behind it, thanks to smart marketing.

@Bodenclothing uses a great “Boden presents” intro for their  15-second swimwear reel.

Communicate a clear message

It’s important that each video has a clear focus, and that your message or call-to-action is the sole focus. Packing in too much can dilute the impact. 

@RXBAR blends white space and motion to introduce two new flavors in this five-second product launch video. Note that their products are shown front and center within the first three seconds.

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